Sick Leave & Vacation Make Up (Updated 2020)
Once the 7-day vacation period is cancelled, Crew Scheduling will add the AVL code to the Flight Attendant’s schedule to replace the vacation days. Flight Attendants will have two options to make up the lost time. They can pick-up a trip(s) either through the Open Time process or through the Trip Request process. They can pick-up trips anytime during the month for VMU. Since all make-up requests are now processed at seniority (7.K), the Flight Attendant wishing to do make-up, must request trips through the normal pick-up process in the applicable folders and if awarded must contact Crew Scheduling to advise they would like to apply Vacation Make-Up for that trip(s). Remember each vacation day carries a credit of 3 hours, so you need to review their schedule to determine how many hours they need to make-up.
Once the Flight Attendant made up their hours as noted above (18.M.2), Crew Scheduling will remove the AVL days from their schedule to reflect the make-up was completed. If the Flight Attendant does not pick-up flying, she/he can be assigned only on the AVL days.
Trade with another Flight Attendant
How to perform a Trade in FLICA
Trading in Flica is a two part process of initiation and acceptance. The first FA will initiate the trade by navigating to the particular folder for the type of pairing they will be trading, either NANI or ETCH. Select “Submit or View Requests” and then click on the “Trade” button at the top of the screen. Follow steps 1-6. Once the trade has been submitted, the FA you are trading with will need to log into FLICA and click “Accept” in the trade notification box.
Trade Tips
Steps 1-2 Select the pairing you wish to trade and click next
Step 3 – Click on the ellipsis button to type in the FA’s name if you don't know their employee number (or enter their employee number and then click on the ellipsis button to bring up their schedule- if published). Click on their name it to populate the Emp.# field
Step 4 – For bid FAs use PRG (Pairing) and add the prefix “H” for HNL and “L” for LAX when adding in the other FA’s pairing number
Step 5 – Special Handling: Include instructions for the Scheduler’s processing. This should be used when performing multiple trades, i.e., “Part 1 of 3- part trade”. CS has asked that your remarks be as concise as possible
Step 6 – The other FA must log into their account to accept the trade. CS won’t receive the trade request until this step is performed.